Lesson Plan for Teaching Practice



School/Faculty                   :  Senior High School
Subject                              :  English
Level of Students               :  Intermediate level
Instructor                           : Yuyun Nailufer
Class Time                         :  Tuesday / 10:20-10:30  a.m.
Time                                  :  10 Minutes 
Room                                :  51 PSB
Meeting                             : 2nd Meeting

A.  Rationale                  :   This lesson is designed for not more than 20 students, and using the Communicative Approaches with task based language teaching method. Some techniques like asking students to talk in pairs as well as to discuss with their classmate will be used in the teaching and learning process. They will comparing about differences and similarities of Mobile Phones, Samsung and Apple Iphone, after that they will listing and writing them down on the provided paper the differences and similarities of that Mobile Phones by pair work. Besides, students will also read in front of class about their discussion. While one of the student read in front of the class the other student listen to Him/Her. By using the approaches, methods, and techniques mentioned above, I expect that the students will be able to demonstrate their task by reading in front of the class and improve their speaking, listening and feel confidence by using English.
B.  Goal                             :   Intermediate Senior High School Students will be able to develop their reading and speaking ability related to information and Technology and use  the TL in their daily life.
C.  Objectives                            :   By the end of the lesson:
·  Intermediate Senior High School Students will be able to describe interesting information  by having a 2 minutes conversation in pairs talking about mobile phones with at least 85% fluency and accuracy based on the given task.
·    Intermediate Senior High School Students will be able to compare the differences and the similarities of iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S5, by listing and presenting the list in front of the classroom with  90% accuracy.
  D.  Topic Material                      :   Comparing two mobile phones “iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S5”
  E.  Approach and Method          :  Communicative Approach and Task Based Language Teaching.
F.  Materials & equipment     :
 A Laptop/Personal Computer
A LCD Projector
Whiteboard and board markers
 Picture of Mobile Phones

G. Procedures                     :
-      Opening the lesson
The teacher will write the following activities on the whiteboard before opening the lesson:
·         Comparing the mobile phone
·         Listing the differences and the similarities
·         Discussing
·         Demonstrate
Then the teacher opens the lesson by greeting the students:

Hi, Good morning students
Hi, Good morning sir/mom
How are you this afternoon? Good?
Good/fine/very well (varies)
The teacher then introduces the material they will learn by saying:
T: This afternoon, within 10 minutes, we will talk, and discuss about Mobile Phone and then you’ll discuss by pair work to talk about the differences and the similarities. (Students are listening)
The teacher continues: First, I will ask some questions:

Do you have a mobile phone?
Yes (all students)
Good…What kind of mobile phone do you have?
I have Samsung ma’am
Very good. How about the other        
I have iPhone and Nokia
Wow, Excellent!,
2 Minutes
While Activity
The teacher show the pictures of two mobile phone and asked the students to discuss about that by pair work or group.

Well students, firstly make pair work, ok..?
Ok ma’am
And then pay attention to the pictures of two mobile phones, discuss with your friend by pair work.
Yes ma’am..!
How about the time students, how long do you need the time to finished the task? How about 2 minutes?
No, Yes (varieties depend on students)
Because the task is easy, so you just need only 2 minutes, ok students?
Yes ma’am

-   Discuss about mobile phone (Conversation in pairs)
T: “Okay class, now, pay attention to me. Look at the pictures one more time, I want you to list  the mismilarities and the differences. Please, analyze with your friend in group.. Do you understand?
Ss: “Yes, Sir/Mom” (expected answer)
T: “Very Good. I’ll give you a pictures paper as a guideline.  For this activity I’ll give you 3 minutes and after that I will stop you. Now, let’s do it and work with your group.” (Teacher gives the students a picture of two mobile phones the students have to talk about.)

The students are analizing and listing the differences and & the similarities.  while the teacher goes around the class to see if there are some students need help or perhaps have problems. The teacher will explain or answer students questions, and check whether his/her students doing well on the activity.

After 3 minutes the teacher stops the activity, The teacher says:
Stop, enough…enough..! Very good! Well done! Give applause for you all! Did you like the activity?“
“Yes, we liked it (some students)”; They give applause to themselves.
Did you get it?
Yes (some students), No, sir (some students)
ok no problem.
“Okay, now let’s continue to the next activity. Who wants to be the first to read the list. One of you in each group ”
If none there is none who wants to be the first I’ll call your name..Ok deal?
Yes ma’am we’re deal (all of the students are excited)

The teacher then call their name one till 3 students and asked them to read loud the list of the differences and the similarities about two mobile phones. But while doing the activity, the teacher asks student to pay attention  and listen carefully to she/he who read in front of the class till finished at all.

5 Minutes

Post Activity
-      Before the teacher close the lesson today she/he asked the student about the material today to reflextion.
The teacher says:


Students, what did you got about our lesson today..?
Gadget, mobile phone, Hp (varieties)
Yes, you’re right. We have learned about the differences and the similarities of iPhone and Samsung. What else? How about the dominat differences and the dominat similarities
The camera, the memory etc

-      Concluding and closing the lesson
The teacher is ready to close the lesson due to the time and asks students whether they have question or not.
T: Ok, students, we are finish our lesson today. Do you have any question?
Ss: (silent), no, sir/mom
T: “No questions? Great, I’ll see you next week then, and Don’t forget to study hard and keep practice. Bye…
Ss: See you sir/mom…Bye!
2 Minutes

H.    Evaluation                     : 1.   Cognitive aspect; pop quizzes;
2.      Affective aspect; evaluated while the process of teaching and learning;
3.      Psychomotor aspect; evaluated while the process of teaching and learning,
4.      Assignment type; individual and group

Banjarmasin, june 23th 2014

                                                                                          Yuyun Nailufer

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  1. Weey... mantap nih.. keren.. cari cara biar masuk google :)

  2. yee,,, bisa coment udah zay,, thank you zay.. :)
    ayo buat blog jua


Yuyun Nailufer

A calm Girl with bright future
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