Sore menjelan malam semuanya ^^, Alhamdulillah puasa pertama sudah terlewati dengan mengerjakan tugas kuliah. buka puasa dengan menu yang cukup sederhana tetapi berharga jauh lebih nikmat, Terimakasih ya Allah ^^.

      Di bulan suci Ramadhan kali ini aku telah menemukan apa itu arti dari sebuah kesederhanaan yang mungkin sering terlupakan oleh kita, karna seharus nya kita bersyukur kepada Tuhan atas segala rezki yang diberikan oleh-Nya. sedikit atau pun sebanyak apa pun rezki yang diberikan Tuhan kepada mu sudah sepantasnya kita berterimakasih kepada-Nya. sesekali pernahkan kita melihat seorang kakek tua atau mereka yang yang sudah berusia rentan masih bekerja untuk menghidupi keluarga nya, mereka menjual buah dengan bersepeda, berjalan kaki berkelliling menjajakan peralatan rumah, menjual sapu lidi di samping jalan raya untuk makan sehari-hari, hidup itu memang keras dan penuh perjuangan yang harus kita jalani. setiap kali aku membaca sebuah artikel yang berhubungan dengan semacam itu entah kenapa air mata ku selalu mengalir, mengingat betapa gigihnya mereka mencari nafkah bahkan hanya untuk makan sehari-hari saja, seharusnya kita bersyukur karna masih ada orangtua kita yang memberikan kita uang jajan setiap hari atau bagi yang kuliah bisanya setiap bulan sekali, itu sudah lebih dari cukup karna itu bukan dari hasil kita bekerja tetapi dari hasil jerih payah kedua orang tua kita yang tak ada hentinya selalu berusaha menghidupi anak-anaknya, bersyukurlah atas yang kita punya sekarang sebelum Tuhan mengambil semua karunia nya dari kita.

     Bersyukurlah bahwa kita masih mempunyai orangtua dan keluarga yang komplit, itu adalah sebuah karunia yang tak ternilai harganya, kadang kita melupakan hal itu karna kesibukan kita atau karna sesuatu hal. mereka memerlukan kita dan kita pun juga memerlukan mereka, meski kadang khususnya aku jengkel dengan adik-adik ku yang susah di atur dan dibilangin, kadang hal itulah yang membuat kita merasa rindu kepada mereka. sebagai seorang anak sulung perempuan, membuat ku harus bersikap dewasa kepada mereka meski kadang aku marah-marah dengan mereka, sebenarnya itu adalah ungkapan rasa sayang ku kepada adink-adik ku. sekarang mungkin aku merasa sangat rindu keluarga ku, Mama, Bapa dan adik-adik ku di rumah karna aku masih beberapa hari harus di Banjarmasin.

     huftt... tidak terasa udah selsai sesi curhat pertama di blog baru ..hehe :D, udah dulu ya semuanya,, goodbye and see u.. Sumassalamualaikum ^^
Our Journey : with them "PBI A 2012"


Assalamualaikum semua nya..
Marhaban ya Ramadhan.. Alhamdulillah ketemu sama bulan suci Ramadhan di 2014 ini. meski sekarang ga sama keluarga di puasa pertama :') gapapa yang penting kita semua harus puasa ya besok.. hehe
tentang pertanyaan kenapa aku ga dengan keluarga ku adalah karna aku tetap *stay di Banjarmasin untuk menyelesaikan *Final Test semester IV ku jadi harus rela tetap disini ampe selse semua nya, belum lagi ngerjain tugas take home nya.. it's very busy but i should finish all of my task... amin
sebenarnya sisi positif aku masih di Banjarmasin adalah, aku bisa nulis blog dan juga bisa nikmatin puasa d Banjarmasin buat pertamakalinya... it's fun and i love it
buat semua nya, selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa besok ya... ^^ semoga bisa sebulan penuh amin..

   ini foto waktu aku kelas XII, kita lagi masak-masak dan makan bersama anak kelas XII

 Akbar sama Mute lagi asik mainin sayur

 ini foto depan jendela dalam kelas ku, *ini fotografer yg nyuruh aku 

ini nih mereka yang jago makan

Photograph taken by Azhar Fla and Edited by Azhar Fla
thank you Azhar ^_^

Story of Past Memory

Once upon a time I was falling in love
We started as friends
But something happened inside me
At that moment I told you about my dreams, everything I wanted to be.
You smile that beautiful smile
And all the girls in the front row scream your name
I’m no one special
everyone knows who you are
And you’ll never see, you sing me to sleep
Every night from the handphone
I  know you by heart
I don’t know what else I can say
You showed me something that I couldn’t see
You opened my eyes and you made me believe
And you’re the last thing on my mind, before I go to sleep at night
We’ve had a fun
We’ve made mistakes
Cause you’ve make  me loving you, so easy for me
When I’m Near You I Can’t Breathe
Imagine The Two Of Us Together
But I’ve Been Livin In Reality
I know that I'll be OK now
This time is real
Everytime I breathe I feel brand new
You open up my heart
You change my world
in your eyes  I see a love
When the stars are in your eyes
And the sun is in your smile
Why do I love you like I do
I Don’t even want to
I can think of nothing else but you Suddenly
When no one can hear me
Baby I’ll be crying for you
And I need you...
I never realized  How happy you made me
I Want You To Know
I Wanna Make You Mine
I don't know why
i can´t sleep, i just can´t breathe
when your shadow is all over me
yes, I  lay my love on you
Can you feel my heartbeat
You  said  our  love  is  forever
You  said:
I'm never gonna say goodbye
Cos I never wanna see you cry
I swore to you my love would remain(sia2)
And I swear it all over again and I
I'm never gonna treat you bad
Cos I never wanna see you sad
I swore to share your joy and your pain
And I swear it all over again.
You tell me that you love me then you cut me down
I'm feeling like I don't know you
I remember what you said last night
If only you could hear my heart
Just one more time
Let me ask you something
Why did you leave me?
Let me know
Since the day that your were gone
In my heart you were the only
Open Your Heart  To Love Me Once Again
When I hear you say, It's better this way
I'm longing for you
I can’t get next to you
I didn't know what to say
When I saw you there with  her
But I know that for you
To be here without me by your side
Maybe it's just my destiny
I keep your picture
I don't wanna forget you
I don't even wanna try
I'm feeling so alone now tonight
I never knew I was losing you
It's not for the first time
That someone else has hurt me
Nothing’s gonna change my love for you
But  right Now  “the END”
This poem i was made in 2011 26th June, and tomorrow is 2014 26th june. i was made this poem when i was in 11th grade in Islamic Senior High School 1 Rantau. i was broke up with my puppy love when i was made it... gkgk what a shame and funny things when i was a teenage girl. ok, here is
but i'm so sorry if i made some Grammar mistaken in my poem... :) bcz this is originally when i was a students in SHS

The  Way  I  Loved You

I don't really know
My heart is blind by love.  I hate it
Love is very powerful,
I can't forget my past memories, you are so hard to forget

Every moment with him
In my head  Around me
I was trying to forget him but I’m never can't
And I never know that he was left me, he was gone

Nobody's know that  I’m very love him, and  he  too.
I  think  that to  fall in  love  with  someone  else,  but  I'm  still can't.
You  are  always  live  in  my  heart.
Every  soconds,  every  minutes,  every  hours,  every  night  and  every  days  I  always  thinking  of  you

Maybe  your  love  seems  were  lost  for me,
But  your  memories  can't  lost  at  me
Now, forever, and  always.
My  love  still  live  for  you.

The  all  make  me  Crazier
In  my  heart  I  faith  you  are  still  in  love  with  me
althought  seems  I  don't  know  By  your  heart
And  now  I  feel  alone, and  feel  everybody  nothing  for  me.

My  passtime  was  hard, after all  you  make  my  hurt  came  again….
I  never  know  my  future  give me  this  way
Maybe  this  is the best way to us
I can’t do anything

Just for us
Our memories, our love, and our life time
Never turn back
This is our destiny

I wish, if we can be like last year
You can with me be my beloved friend
I wish you are always save me in your heart
And this is my way to loved you

You’ll never know
That you’re always be my special someone for me
You’ll never see
That I will always stand by you

26 juni 2011 - By: Candy_15


School/Faculty                   :  Senior High School
Subject                              :  English
Level of Students               :  Intermediate level
Instructor                           : Yuyun Nailufer
Class Time                         :  Tuesday / 10:20-10:30  a.m.
Time                                  :  10 Minutes 
Room                                :  51 PSB
Meeting                             : 2nd Meeting

A.  Rationale                  :   This lesson is designed for not more than 20 students, and using the Communicative Approaches with task based language teaching method. Some techniques like asking students to talk in pairs as well as to discuss with their classmate will be used in the teaching and learning process. They will comparing about differences and similarities of Mobile Phones, Samsung and Apple Iphone, after that they will listing and writing them down on the provided paper the differences and similarities of that Mobile Phones by pair work. Besides, students will also read in front of class about their discussion. While one of the student read in front of the class the other student listen to Him/Her. By using the approaches, methods, and techniques mentioned above, I expect that the students will be able to demonstrate their task by reading in front of the class and improve their speaking, listening and feel confidence by using English.
B.  Goal                             :   Intermediate Senior High School Students will be able to develop their reading and speaking ability related to information and Technology and use  the TL in their daily life.
C.  Objectives                            :   By the end of the lesson:
·  Intermediate Senior High School Students will be able to describe interesting information  by having a 2 minutes conversation in pairs talking about mobile phones with at least 85% fluency and accuracy based on the given task.
·    Intermediate Senior High School Students will be able to compare the differences and the similarities of iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S5, by listing and presenting the list in front of the classroom with  90% accuracy.
  D.  Topic Material                      :   Comparing two mobile phones “iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S5”
  E.  Approach and Method          :  Communicative Approach and Task Based Language Teaching.
F.  Materials & equipment     :
 A Laptop/Personal Computer
A LCD Projector
Whiteboard and board markers
 Picture of Mobile Phones

G. Procedures                     :
-      Opening the lesson
The teacher will write the following activities on the whiteboard before opening the lesson:
·         Comparing the mobile phone
·         Listing the differences and the similarities
·         Discussing
·         Demonstrate
Then the teacher opens the lesson by greeting the students:

Hi, Good morning students
Hi, Good morning sir/mom
How are you this afternoon? Good?
Good/fine/very well (varies)
The teacher then introduces the material they will learn by saying:
T: This afternoon, within 10 minutes, we will talk, and discuss about Mobile Phone and then you’ll discuss by pair work to talk about the differences and the similarities. (Students are listening)
The teacher continues: First, I will ask some questions:

Do you have a mobile phone?
Yes (all students)
Good…What kind of mobile phone do you have?
I have Samsung ma’am
Very good. How about the other        
I have iPhone and Nokia
Wow, Excellent!,
2 Minutes
While Activity
The teacher show the pictures of two mobile phone and asked the students to discuss about that by pair work or group.

Well students, firstly make pair work, ok..?
Ok ma’am
And then pay attention to the pictures of two mobile phones, discuss with your friend by pair work.
Yes ma’am..!
How about the time students, how long do you need the time to finished the task? How about 2 minutes?
No, Yes (varieties depend on students)
Because the task is easy, so you just need only 2 minutes, ok students?
Yes ma’am

-   Discuss about mobile phone (Conversation in pairs)
T: “Okay class, now, pay attention to me. Look at the pictures one more time, I want you to list  the mismilarities and the differences. Please, analyze with your friend in group.. Do you understand?
Ss: “Yes, Sir/Mom” (expected answer)
T: “Very Good. I’ll give you a pictures paper as a guideline.  For this activity I’ll give you 3 minutes and after that I will stop you. Now, let’s do it and work with your group.” (Teacher gives the students a picture of two mobile phones the students have to talk about.)

The students are analizing and listing the differences and & the similarities.  while the teacher goes around the class to see if there are some students need help or perhaps have problems. The teacher will explain or answer students questions, and check whether his/her students doing well on the activity.

After 3 minutes the teacher stops the activity, The teacher says:
Stop, enough…enough..! Very good! Well done! Give applause for you all! Did you like the activity?“
“Yes, we liked it (some students)”; They give applause to themselves.
Did you get it?
Yes (some students), No, sir (some students)
ok no problem.
“Okay, now let’s continue to the next activity. Who wants to be the first to read the list. One of you in each group ”
If none there is none who wants to be the first I’ll call your name..Ok deal?
Yes ma’am we’re deal (all of the students are excited)

The teacher then call their name one till 3 students and asked them to read loud the list of the differences and the similarities about two mobile phones. But while doing the activity, the teacher asks student to pay attention  and listen carefully to she/he who read in front of the class till finished at all.

5 Minutes

Post Activity
-      Before the teacher close the lesson today she/he asked the student about the material today to reflextion.
The teacher says:


Students, what did you got about our lesson today..?
Gadget, mobile phone, Hp (varieties)
Yes, you’re right. We have learned about the differences and the similarities of iPhone and Samsung. What else? How about the dominat differences and the dominat similarities
The camera, the memory etc

-      Concluding and closing the lesson
The teacher is ready to close the lesson due to the time and asks students whether they have question or not.
T: Ok, students, we are finish our lesson today. Do you have any question?
Ss: (silent), no, sir/mom
T: “No questions? Great, I’ll see you next week then, and Don’t forget to study hard and keep practice. Bye…
Ss: See you sir/mom…Bye!
2 Minutes

H.    Evaluation                     : 1.   Cognitive aspect; pop quizzes;
2.      Affective aspect; evaluated while the process of teaching and learning;
3.      Psychomotor aspect; evaluated while the process of teaching and learning,
4.      Assignment type; individual and group

Banjarmasin, june 23th 2014

                                                                                          Yuyun Nailufer

Yuyun Nailufer

A calm Girl with bright future
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